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State of Qatar Ambassador in Italy H.E. Khalid Youssef Al-Sada received FederPetroli Italia President Michele Marsiglia at the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Rome.

President Marsiglia expressed to Ambassador Al-Sada the closeness of the Italian Oil & Gas industry to Qatar, an Emirate, a strategic country in the Persian Gulf for international energy policies, expressing his gratitude for the growing intensity of bilateral relations and his appreciation for the important contribution that Qatar is bringing to the development of Oil Projects and exploration of gas fields, in which major italian companies and state-owned subsidiaries are involved.

The meeting focused on strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and the involvement of companies in the Emirate’s upcoming hydrocarbon development projects. During the meeting, President Marsiglia and Ambassador Al-Sada exchanged views on the global and in particular the European energy situation of this past year, analyzing Italy’s role following the Meloni government’s energy policies in Africa and Middle East countries.

During a friendly handshake President Marsiglia and Ambassador Al-Sada said they were ready for a strong collaboration that would contribute to the development and social, economic and industrial welfare between their respective countries, with the planning of an upcoming trip to Qatar by a delegation of Oil & Gas entrepreneurs for collaboration and opportunities in the Emirate’s Oil Projects.

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